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Healthy You Challenge is On! Great Prizes, Good Fun.

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We can't think of a better month than June to be active and enjoy the opening month of the flowers, fresh air, and sunshine. Teckelklub is proud to sponsor The Sarcastic Dog blog https://sarcasticdog.com as it embarks on its annual 30 day challenge to motivate us all to get active, explore the outdoors, and live life to the fullest with our best friends. Of course, you'll get to set your own goals and if you sign up today a chance to win great outdoor prizes for your dog. Read about the challenge details, the amazing sponsors, this year’s fundraising initiative for Best Friend’s Animal Sanctuary and more and sign up today!

The best thing is you'll feel great and all your hard work benefits the Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary http://bestfriends.org

What is your health and wellness goal for this summer? Kick start it today and enjoy the fitness fun for you and your dog!

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