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Octoberfest is Dog Wellnessfest
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The month of October ushers in autumn. It is a chance to celebrate all
things Octoberfest and all things dog wellness. During National Pet
Wellness month we are all reminded to make healthy lifestyle choices for
ourselves and our best friends. Making good nutrition, exercise,
dental, and all-around lifestyle decisions can help your dog live life
to their fullest and thrive.
Nutrition plays a huge role in
getting natural sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All
these help keep a dog fit and healthy and help prevent many diseases.
Just like humans, "dogs are what they eat" so make sure they get plenty
of quality when it comes to their everyday nutrition.
dental care can extend your dog's life too. Keeping dog's teeth
tartar-free and their breath fresh means bacteria from the mouth is not
entering the dog's bloodstream which can lead to other health issues
associated with the heart, kidneys, lungs or other essential organs. 4
out of 5 dogs over the age of three develop periodontal disease
according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. You dog's
overall health and wellness depends on good oral health as
the foundation. Purina research states that the right amount of
antioxidants can increase the longevity of a dog's life. Eliminate
plaque bacteria before it accumulates on the teeth causing periodontal
disease and gingivitis which can affect 85% of dogs by the age of 1.5
years. [source: National Center for Biotechnology Information 25511384]
Organic Kelp is a powerful antioxidant packed with
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reduce tartar and dental plaque in dogs. One Perfect Spray™ K9|vigor® is a breakthrough blend of organic Antioxidants that makes Preventative dog dental care health and wellness easy. Clean teeth. Fresh breath. Good health. Check out all the great ingredients in this simple to use best selling dental care product!